
This blog post will be a bit different and a bit shorter than usual. I’m currently being pulled by both work and personal commitments, but want to make sure I get a blog post out. I’m sure I’ll expand on some of these topics more in the future, but if there’s one that catches your eye, please let me know so I can prioritize it!

SCCM / Configuration Manager

This last month I started to get my feet wet learning about SCCM, especially the PXE functionality. SCCM goes by many names, but for simplicity, I’m calling it just that - SCCM. I’ve setup a PXE boot server way back in the day, but was surprised to see you could do this with SCCM. This is probably because I haven’t managed an environment with PXE, where it’s probably common knowledge that SCCM can be used. I’ve had great success with the paths this opens up and highly recommend checking it out in a lab if you can!

The best compilation of the various paths that I’ve found so far is from Black Hills Security in a recent livestream (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W9PC9erm_pI), but there’s been a few new tools that have released since then. It seems like SCCM may be the new Exchange server, and I say… bring it on!


CrackMapExec (https://github.com/byt3bl33d3r/CrackMapExec) is easily in my list of top tools that I use day to day. I was disappointed to see that development will be stopping on it. I see that NetExec (https://github.com/Pennyw0rth/NetExec) will be where the tool will be going now. I know there was some drama around it, which I won’t take a side on here, but I will be keeping an eye out on the new repo to see what happens there.

DCSync NetSync

First NetExec and now NetSync? Not much to say on this as it’s very much unknown at the time of this writing, but as someone who is always looking at DCSync methods, I’m very interested in this X (Twitter) post from @4ndr3w6S

Better Impacket Fork?

Another one of my favorite tools is Impacket, although it’s technically multiple tools, and I’ve always used the default repo, but I’m thinking about changing it up in my lab and seeing if I like this repo better. I’ve heard good things about it and it has a ton of great features being added. I have no opinion yet, but stay tuned!


Once again, this isn’t the normal blog post format, but I hope it gives you something to look into! I hope to see more SCCM exploits in the near future and learn more about that tool. If you hear of anything interesting on it, I’d love to hear from you! You can reach me on Twitter and Discord!